
Catch 22
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Sophie's World
Catcher In the Rye
Of Time and Place
Bulletin Board
Chat room


The Webmasters

Lawrence A. Vosovic

Teacher of Literature and English classes

Interests: Teaching, the Internet, Catering to his students, and enjoying life

Alan Lee

Year in High School: Junior, Class of 2002

Age: 16

Prasanth Padmanabhan

Year in High School: Junior, Class of 2000

Age: 16

Interests: Computers, TV, and hanging out with friends

Status: Retired from authoring this page

James Bennett IV

Year in High School: Senior, Class of 1999

Age: 18

Interests: Women, writing, computers and journalism

Status: Retired from authoring this page

Helen Cherkasova

Year in High School: Junior, Class of 2000

Age: 16

Interests: Debate, Amnesty International

Status: Retired from authoring this page

Michael Jeung

Age: 16

Year in High School: Junior, Class of 2000

Interests: Computers, biking, reading books, chess

Status: Retired from authoring this page

James Park

Age: 17

Year in High School: Senior, Class of 2000

Interests: Baseball, debate, poetry

Status: Currently slaving over this page with Vos cracking the whip

All webmasters are part of Larry Vosovic's Contemporary Literature class.